Drawmate offers an Electrical Estimating service, we use a software-based system which can be setup up for each client’s requirements. We provide you with a dependable service that is accurate and fast, flexible, and cost effective too.

If you are having to Employ additional estimating staff or hiring agency staff to cope with high tender volumes, this can be costly and adds overheads that can be hard to manage. Our professional estimating service is a lower cost alternative without any of the risk.

Many contractors are use this estimating service and have done over the past 3 years. How can we help you move forward? – Just send us the enquiry “we don’t need to know who it is from (your client) if you so wish”.

We will do all the take-offs from your drawings. We will make enquires to all manufacturers and obtain current prices for each item. We will then send out to your given wholesalers to get your discounts on these items.

At the start we will ask you for information on your Hourly rates, you may have more than one of these. We will ask for details on how you would like us to enter your Prelims and Design costs. We will return to you a full Tender Summary, SOR and Breakdown – together with a full Tender Write up.

Our software can offer you full reporting, materials list, Labour times and much more.